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Phil & Jo Hannah Close and Alex & CJ Maffei  ▪  Coleman Family Foundation  ▪  Fagan Electric Co., Inc.  ▪  Farber Foundation  ▪  The Jennings Family, in memory of Bob and Libby Jennings


Allgeier, Martin & Associates, Inc.  ▪  Steve and Patty Chenault  ▪  Harvey and Sharon Dean  ▪  Jim and Sue Goodknight  ▪  Connie Kline Trust  ▪  Mack Evans Ministries, the Sheep Shed  ▪  Mercy Hospital Joplin


Dr. Lance and Sharon Beshore  ▪  Gary and Teresa Brown, in memory of Blake Aggus  ▪  George and Mary Corkle Foundation  ▪  Barbara J. Coyle Foundation  ▪  Jim and Cheri Dawson  ▪  Freeman Health System  ▪  Carrie Goins  ▪  Mary Greenwood  ▪  Barbara Hicklin  ▪  Virginia Hogan  ▪  Glenn and Mary James  ▪  Sheri and Karl Kinler  ▪  Tia and Bailey Moore  ▪  Kevin and Rochelle Sheddrick  ▪  Rodney and Sherry Spriggs  ▪  Stratum Nutrition  ▪  Annette Thurston and Charles Keeter, in memory of John P. Coszalter, Antoinette Coszalter and John M. Coszalter  ▪  Everett Wheelan


Commerce Bank, Pittsburg, Kansas  ▪  Commerce Bancshares Foundation  ▪  Community Bank & Trust, Jean Day  ▪  Rick and Mary Davidson  ▪  Jim and Cheri Dawson  ▪  First Church of Christ, Scientist  ▪  Christina and William Gaines  ▪  Roger and Kreta Gladden  ▪  The Gorham Family  ▪  Franklin and Yvonne Green  ▪  H.E. Williams  ▪  Doug and Cindy Huntley  ▪  Hyspeco, Inc.  ▪  The Insurancenter  ▪  Gerald Jeffers  ▪  Philip and Amanda Mitchell  ▪  Dr. Rahul and Shawna Oberoi, in memory of Elizabeth “Ellie” Camarota  ▪  Nancy Rankin  ▪  Barbara Robertson  ▪  Anne Sharp  ▪  Tiffany and Phil Slinkard  ▪  Judith Smith  ▪  Southwest Missouri Bank  ▪  Marianne and Dean Wilson  ▪  Basel Wheeless  ▪  Diane Woolery


Gene and Paula Baker  ▪  Roupen Berberian  ▪  Lex Blue  ▪  Randy and Glenn Brown  ▪  Caitlin and Lucas Brunetti  ▪  Joe and Darla Caputo  ▪  Contract Freighters, Inc.  ▪  Joe and Patty Coss  ▪  Laurie and Gene Delano  ▪  Vicki and Gerry Dennett  ▪  Gary and Suzy Duncan  ▪  Russell and Wendy Fugate  ▪  Don Gould Insurance Agency, Inc., in memory of Karen Gould  ▪  David and Dr. Angela Langer-Heltzel  ▪  Michael and Alicia Herr  ▪  Iantha Community Church  ▪  Angie Johnson  ▪  Joplin Daybreak Rotary  ▪  Linda Lindquist, in memory of Dr. Gary Lindquist  ▪  Cary and Veronica Marion  ▪  John and Susan McCoy  ▪  Steve and Linda Meeds  ▪  Bill and Robin Mussa  ▪  New Mac Electric  ▪  Bhumi Patel  ▪  Dr. Benjamin Rosenberg  ▪  Thomas Sanders  ▪  Gregory M. Scheurich  ▪  Cynthia Schwab  ▪  David and Marcia Sorrick  ▪  Martin Williams


Agri-Medical Services, John C. Durling, D.V.M.  ▪  Mitzi Amato  ▪  David Austin, Jr.  ▪  Diana Bauder  ▪  Jerry and Patty Black  ▪  Kent and Karolee Blanchard  ▪  Amy Boore  ▪  Karen Boyd  ▪  Keith and Debbie Brown  ▪  Roger Brown  ▪  Bright Christmas Dreamers, Hallmark Club  ▪  Melba Caldwell  ▪  Twyla Caldwell  ▪  Robert Campbell  ▪  Michael and Arlene Canton  ▪  Jenny Carpenter  ▪  Patricia Cohu  ▪  George Coleman  ▪  Andrea Cullers  ▪  Kelly Curran  ▪  Mike Curran  ▪  Patrick Curran ▪  Sheila Damer  ▪  Virginia Davis  ▪  Vicki Desbien  ▪  Ashley Dial  ▪  Dierks Scheurich Holdings, LLC  ▪  William and Karen Dierks  ▪  DJ Cattle Company, Kathleen Daniels  ▪  Martha Duke  ▪  Dr. Michael and Margie Fitterling  ▪  Lisa Garwood  ▪  Donna Gibson  ▪  Trey and Emily Gibson  ▪  Kelly Gore  ▪  Marla Hacker  ▪  Virginia Harris  ▪  Sally Heydt  ▪  Donna Hicks, in memory of Whitney Weston  ▪  Vicky Kay Hodge  ▪  Nathan and Jennifer Honeycutt  ▪  House of Mercy  ▪  Branden Howland  ▪  Rick and Shirley Hylton  ▪  Angelo and Pam Ianello  ▪  Jasper Methodist Church Dorcas Circle  ▪  Charlotte Johnson, in honor of Kimberly Timm  ▪  Jake and Lori Jones  ▪  Steve and Sally Junkins  ▪  Marina Kisseleva  ▪  Kiwanis Club of Carthage  ▪  Judith Koller  ▪  Linda Kyger  ▪  Labette Bank  ▪  Sharon Lambert  ▪  Barbara Loiselle, in memory of Ruth Loiselle  ▪  Lucky-But Lawn Care, LLC  ▪  Rebecca Mael, in honor of Don and Colleen Kendrick  ▪  Cathy Mahan  ▪  Edward and Terry Martin  ▪  Michael and Mary Matney  ▪  Michael Mayer, in honor of John Mayer and Mark Adkins  ▪  McVay Pest Control  ▪  Tim and Nancy Meyer, in honor of Abby and Lukas Fleener  ▪  Vicki Miller  ▪  Mike and Jayme Mjelde, in honor of Knox Brunetti  ▪  Joy Morris  ▪  Nina Moser  ▪  New Life Clothing & More  ▪  John and Kathleen Newbern  ▪  Ben Osbun  ▪  Will and Karen Pattison  ▪  Greg and Mary Parrigon  ▪  William and Paula Payton  ▪  Linda Phipps, in honor of Charles H. Taylor  ▪  Richard and Jacci Pim  ▪  Diana Porter  ▪  Don and Donna Pritchard  ▪  Pro 100 Realtors  ▪  Kelly Reddin  ▪  Sandra Robinson, in honor of Hazel Hollingsworth  ▪  Lisa Ruth  ▪  Wendy Ruth  ▪  Jerri Sargent  ▪  Mildred Sealey  ▪  Peggy Seward, in honor of Knox Brunetti  ▪  Tim and Leslie Shoulders  ▪  Kathy Soukup  ▪  Dan and Melanie Stanley  ▪  Leeta Stevens  ▪  Kerri Sundy  ▪  Craig and Amber Tankersley  ▪  Montie and Candyse Taylor  ▪  Leanna Thornton  ▪  United Methodist Women, Nevada, MO  ▪  United Women in Faith, Neosho, MO  ▪  Bruc VanTrease  ▪  Kortland Verge  ▪  Annie Vernor  ▪  Pamela and Clifford Wert  ▪  Dr. Fred and Patty Wheeler  ▪  Mark and Valerie Whitewell  ▪  Dawn Wilkerson  ▪  Katie Wilkins-Schneider  ▪  Roy and Beverly Winans  ▪  Ed and Susan Wuch  ▪  Carlos and Derekka Ybarra

We give special thanks to the many individuals and organizations who put in extraordinary time and effort, or offered resources to help make our 23rd Annual Gift of Light, Gift of Love Tree Lighting Celebration possible:

The Brunetti Family  ▪  Proclamation Youth and Community Choir  ▪  Karen’s Dance Studio  ▪  Missouri Southern State University Chamber Singers  ▪  Carl Junction High School Dynamics  ▪  Heartland Concert Band  ▪  Joplin Little Theatre  ▪  Izzy B the Silly Story Teller  ▪  The Wilkins Sisters  ▪  Martin Williams  ▪  Resonation  ▪  Cassie Herlocker Photography  ▪  Kelly Reddin as Nana Claus  ▪  Dave Smith as Santa Claus  ▪  John Chirby  ▪  TC Lawn and Landscape  ▪  Freeman Health System Groundskeeping Team  ▪  Four State Village People  ▪  Joplin and Carthage FFA  ▪  Trader’s Church  ▪  Calvary Church of the Nazarene  ▪  Carthage High School Wrestling Team  ▪  Hawk Line Construction  ▪  Erimish  ▪  Spire  ▪  Hyspeco  ▪  Bagcraft  ▪  Kansas City University  ▪  Gift of Light, Gift of Love committee members  ▪  Ronald McDonald House Charities volunteers and Board of Directors  ▪  The Jennings Family

The Brunetti Family

Caitlin, Luke, and Knox | Pittsburg, Kansas | 21 night stay
"I knew the mission of Ronald McDonald House, but I never could have guessed what it would feel like to stay here."

“No parent wants to experience anything abnormal when they have a child – especially their first,” shared Caitlin. “Even if you know they are going to be okay, it is scary to leave your baby in the hospital. Without the Ronald McDonald House, we would have lost hours driving back and forth from Pittsburg every day, and every hour with Knox mattered.

“We didn’t have to worry about a thing besides supporting Knox while he grew strong,” she continued. “We had an actual bed, a real shower, and space to spread out and call our own. Privacy felt like a gift. I remember doing my laundry for the first time in the House, realizing how big of a blessing it was to have normalcy in my day.

“Today, Knox is a thriving three-year-old. He is vibrant, brave, strong, wild, and healthy—all the things we prayed for him to be.”

Give a Gift

We believe that when a child is sick, the entire family needs comfort and support. Our programs give a family with a sick child what they need most—each other.

Become a Gift of Light, Gift of Love donor today! Your donation will give families with an ill or injured child the gift of togetherness and keep them near the care and resources they need to thrive.

Help us maximize the impact of your gift by reducing credit card fees. For sponsor level gifts, our preference is to receive a check in the mail. We are happy to create an invoice if that is helpful. Contact for assistance.

Mail your Gift of Love:

Ronald McDonald House Charities

of the Four States 

P.O. Box 2688

Joplin, Missouri 64803

We are a tax exempt, nonprofit organization established as a 501(c)(3) and donations are tax deductible. Your charitable gift will be recognized on this website and followed with appropriate tax acknowledgement. 

Thank you for Exceeding our $250,000 Goal!


Our Tree Lighting Ceremony

Thank you for joining us on November 9, 2024 for our Tree Lighting Ceremony at Ronald McDonald House of the Four States! 500 guests walked through our doors to enjoy photos with Santa, hot cocoa and cookies, Christmas music from local performing groups, and more. It was the perfect way to kick off our annual fundraising campaign.

Watch the video to get a glimpse of the fun we shared at last year’s event. We hope this meaningful event becomes one of your family traditions!