Another way Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Four States fulfills its mission to create, find and support programs that directly improve the health and well-being of children is through our Matching Grant program. We review, select and award matching grants to not- for-profit organizations and programs in area communities that directly benefit children and their families.
The monies used to fund these grants are derived exclusively from the fundraising efforts of McDonald’s restaurants and associated sponsors at both the national and local levels. These monies are restricted for the matching grant program and are funds that cannot be used for operating our House.
■ Joplin Family Self-help Center d.b.a. Lafayette House $15,000
Project CONSTRUCT for implementation of a constructivist curriculum in order to better assess children’s growth in school. Playground equipment
■ Ozark Community Mental Health Center $2,000
K.I.D.D.S. (Kids Impacted by Death or Divorce Situations) program designed to help children of all ages and ethnicities overcome the grief associated with loss from death or divorce
■ Chad & Jana Evans $1,350
Reimbursement of tuition costs associated with the Summer Camp Conductive Education program providing intensive therapy for children with motor disabilities
■ St. John’s Regional Medical Center Birthing Center $50,000
Establish Family Support areas in the new Sr. Kevin Kerwin Birthing Center
■ Freeman Foundation – Neonatal Intensive Care Unit $10,832
Support the expansion of the N.I.C.U
■ Jasper Country Sheltered Facilities d.b.a. Community Support Services $11,150
Vinyl flooring to cover the Carl McConnell Activity Center floor (75 x100). This center will house a fitness & nutrition program specifically for children with developmental disabilities
■ Magic Moments Riding Therapy $7,609
Purchase a mobile/portable mounting ramp to provide easy access to horse riding for individuals with wheelchairs & walkers; to construct three horse stalls & tack room for feed & supplies
■ Wildcat Glades Conservation & Audubon Center $5,000
Develop educational programs and curriculum to provide school-based environmental activities through a hands-on field experiences and programs, including an educational teacher mailer to help coordinate educational program development
■ Southeast Kansas Nature Center at Schermerhorn Park $500
Purchase a kitchen stove & microwave, cooking utensils & crockpot to complete kitchen renovations, enabling preparation of meals for full day activities & hands-on workshops
■ Family Resource Center, Inc. Pittsburg, Kansas $20,000
Gross motor play equipment for children attending the child care center and preschool, including outdoor play equipment and indoor equipment and supplies used to promote healthy lifestyles, learning through play and social development
■ Boys & Girls Club of Southwest Missouri $5,346
Recreational equipment including a 10 ft climbing rock wall and indoor ropes system
■ Delaware County Children’s Special Advocacy Network, Inc., Jay Oklahoma $4,944
Carpet and laminate flooring for the play therapy room and rooms used in crisis intervention, counseling and interviews with caretakers
■ Ozark Center Autism School $5,000
Purchase of equipment of tables and chairs for the children and/or play equipment which will be used for therapy/classroom enrichment classes
■ Barton County Medical Center – Inpatient Pediatric Room $10,000
Purchase of comfortable furniture including a Stryker hospital bed, Symmetric air mattress, overbed table, sleeper settee, bedside table, draperies, curtains, side chairs, artwork and activity package for an inpatient pediatric room
■ Freeman Health System – Neonatal Intensive Care Unit $35,000
Purchase of a Giraffe OmniBed which is an enclosed crib that serves as both a warmer and isolette for premature infants
■ Joplin Rotary Tornado Task Force $35,000
Construction and purchase of Dugout Structure, Dugout Benches, Bleacher, Bleacher Sunshade and Scoreboard at the Will Norton Miracle Field
■ Freeman Health System – Neonatal Intensive Care Unit $16,934
Purchase of an I-STAT, or Point of Care Analyzer and two Kangaroo chairs
■ Mercy Health Foundation Joplin – Children Life Activity Room $18,066
Purchase of a variety of safe and developmentally appropriate toys, games, art, books, and equipment to meet the objectives of the child life center