More than 46 years later there are 375 Ronald McDonald Houses in 65 countries and regions.
Caring for families with children who are ill or injured.
A world where every family has what they need to ensure the best health outcomes for their children.
We provide essential services that remove barriers, strengthen families, and promote healing when children need healthcare.
We lead with compassion.
We are deeply respectful.
We act with integrity.
We are firmly committed.
The first Ronald McDonald House opened in Philadelphia in 1974. Fred and Fran Hill’s daughter Kim was undergoing treatment for leukemia. During Kim’s three years of treatment, the Hills grew tired of sleeping in the hospital waiting room and eating meals out of vending machines. Fred, who was a player for the Philadelphia Eagles at the time, rallied the support of his teammates and General Manager Jim Murray, Dr. Audrey Evans from The Children’s hospital of Philadelphia, and local McDonald’s franchisees to create Ronald McDonald House.
More than 46 years later there are 375 Ronald McDonald Houses in 65 countries and regions.
Bob came to Joplin in 1964 as a McDonald’s owner/operator. Mickey Mantle approached Bob and his wife Libby about the possibility of building a Ronald McDonald House in Joplin. They agreed they would like to do it.
Bob tried for several years to bring a Ronald McDonald House to Joplin. However, sufficient numbers of children between zero and 18 years of age were not being served by our local hospitals to meet the requirements for a licensed house.
In 1993, when Freeman opened the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, and then St. John’s began delivering babies, Bob asked his son Mike to go back to the International RMH Committee and once again request that our area be considered for a Ronald McDonald House. In August, 1996, the Jennings received permission and licensing for an eight bedroom Ronald McDonald House.
McDonald's support extends from monetary contributions and volunteerism, to cause related marketing promotions and the space to place RMHC Donation Boxes that raise money for Chapters around the world. McDonald's has helped RMHC positively impact millions of children and their families, and continues to provide valuable resources and support to help us expand our core programs and services.
Although the McDonald's system is RMHC's largest corporate partner, RMHC of the Four States is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Our local owner/operators and their employees and customers are incredibly invested in keeping families close, and we are so thankful to them. However, we rely on the support of the entire community to achieve our mission, and greatly value donations from the community and other corporate partners.